Making a gift of Real Estate


How will my property benefit the library?

We can work with you to determine how the proceeds of your gift will be used for the new Grants Pass library, or you can leave its usage to JCLF’s discretion.

Do I have to fix any repairs before I donate the property? What if it needs a new roof?

No, we are often willing to take the property as is, if our due diligence process approves it for acquisition.

What type of property will you accept?

We evaluate all commercial and residential property types and perform extensive due diligence to verify feasibility before acceptance.

What if there is debt or a mortgage on the property?

While properties without debt make the simplest gifts, any debt portion could be considered the cash component of a bargain sale. Note that any capital gains will be allocated proportionately to the sale.

Does the property need to be near Grants Pass, or in Oregon?

No, we can accept property from anywhere in the country.

Can I donate property that’s held in trust?

Yes, as long as you have the authority to transfer the property or trust from one entity to another.

What’s the benefit of a donation or bargain sale?

There are many benefits: potential reduction of capital gains, a deductible tax receipt to use for up to five years as well as the year the gift was given, fulfillment of a pledge of funds, and relief from the burden of upkeep and property taxes.

What properties won’t you take?

Timeshares, property without deeded access, property without any access to water or water rights, manufactured homes, and potential brownfield properties are among the types of property we cannot accept.

Are there any catches or pitfalls?

The IRS rules for getting deductions are precise. Talk to your tax professional. Your deduction may not be allowed if you have identified a buyer and have a sales agreement before transferring the property to JCLF.

Failure to meet the IRS guidelines can void the charitable deduction – which means more taxes due.


Next Steps

Contact us today for more information about using any of these options to support the library’s capital campaigns.

We would be happy to assist your attorney and other advisors in designing the most suitable plan for you.

Contact Us

Rebecca Stoltz

Executive Director

541-476-0571 ext. 200